Song lyrics from days of yore.


1.: I want you to take me to your forest clearing
where you have taken all your girlfriends
It helps me to get to know you
and make you mine

Chorus: Man I want you I’m your girl

2.: I want you to tell me to dress in my
flowery summer skirt with strappy sandals
so to carry them for me and adore
my toes when they follow you beside you

Chorus: Man I want you I’m your woman

3.: I want you to bed me in the grass below the tree
where you had your first kiss and your last fuck
with a girl I will not know and I want
your hunger for the flesh of my rosy thighs

Chorus: Man I want you I’m your vixen

4.: I want you to play with your tongue in my mouth
one hand on my breasts two fingers on my clit
the thing you play one minute later
one level deeper oh deeper come deeper

Chorus: Man I want you I’m your mare

Bridge: I want you to uh
I want you too

Chorus: Man I want you I’m your bitch

5.: I want you too big too hard too sturdy
with relish and moaning too loud along
with me then come too soppy inside me
See it’s so simple when you want me

Chorus: Man I want you I’m your girl


Vroni meint: “Und wer soll dir das glauben?”

“Glauben?” sag ich, “einen Liedertext?”

“Die Leute suchen immer nach autobiographischen Bezügen. Da kannst du nix machen und wahrscheinlich nicht mal die Leute, die nach sowas suchen, selber.”

“Dann sollen die halt mal aufs Veröffentlichungsdatum schauen.”

Days of yore?”

“1. April.”

“Wolfwolfwolf. Wie soll sich das überhaupt anhören? Wie die drei Holländerinnen auf dem Sybian?”

So ungefähr: Beth Gibbons & Rustin Man: Mysteries,
aus: Out of Season, 2002: